Legal Notice
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Liability for links
References and links to and from websites of third parties are outside of our control and responsibility. Any responsibility for such links will be rejected. 
The copyright and all other rights to content, images, photos or other files on the website belong exclusively to the authors and owner or the rightfully named copyright holders. The written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.
Privacy Policy
We are dedicated to protecting the confidentiality and privacy of information and data. Beyond, it is the objective to comply with applicable data protection regulations, including in particular the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR). Please read this privacy policy to learn about your rights, what data is collected, how it is used and protected.
1) Why gather personal information
2) Collection of personal data
3) What personal information is collected
4) Lawful reasons to process personal data
5) Sharing personal data with third parties
6) Transfer of personal data outside Switzerland/EU
7) Your data privacy rights
8) Cookies & Analytics
9) Personal data confidentiality and security
10) Retaining personal data
11) Automated decision-making and profiling
12) Policy updates
13) Contact information
1) Why gather personal information
The only personally identifiable information (PII) gathered, is the one necessary to provide and promote products, services and information in connection to this website. The mission is being fully transparent when acquiring information and limit the amount of personal data to a minimum.

2) Collection of personal data
Directly: PII is gathered only if you get in touch using the contact form on the website.
Indirectly: There is no indirect gathering of PII.

3) What personal information is collected
Personal data: Contact details such as first-, last name, email, company details, phone number or video conferencing users.
Technical data: We may anonymously process technical information such as geographical locations, device type, operating system, browser or IP address when you are using our website or other online services.

4) Lawful reasons to process personal data
Following is a non-conclusive list of legitimate reasons to collect, use, store and retain personal information to operate the business, provide services and exercise interests of governing entities:
a) Contract: Personal data processing in order to provide services and meet contractual obligations.
b) Consent: An individuals consent was given at the time to use PII for a specific service. The permission for personal information can be directly or indirectly obtained, while sensitive data is usually explicitly gathered.
c) Legitimate interests: There are legitimate interests based on an evaluation that the processing is fair, reasonable and balanced, such as:
- Delivering services and products clients have engaged us to provide.
d) Legal obligations and public interest: PII data is processed in the business context to meet regulatory and public interest obligations. These include retaining information according to requirements by law.

5) Sharing personal data with third parties
Personal data may be shared with trusted third parties to help deliver products and services effectively. When using the website you consent to sharing data with third parties.

6) Transfer of personal data outside Switzerland/EU
Data processing may take place in outside jurisdictions, e.g. technology provider such as cloud storage. When using the website and getting in touch you consent to data transfer outside of Switzerland/EU.

7) Your data privacy rights
In connection to data processing, you have your rights listed below. Before responding to any request made regarding your data rights, we may ask for proof of identity to adequately identify you. We may also ask you for sufficient information about your relationship with us so that we can locate your personal information.
a) Access: You can ask to verify whether we are processing personal data about you and if so, to provide more specific information.
b) Correction: You can ask to correct your records we have if you believe they contain incorrect or incomplete information. 
c) Erasure: You can ask to erase (delete) your personal data after you withdraw your consent to the processing. We delete your data no longer required. Note that legal obligations might prevent deleting all your data (e.g. bookkeeping purposes).
d) Data portability: In some circumstances, where you have provided personal data to us, you can ask us to transmit that personal data in electronic form if organisational and technically feasible and reasonable.
e) Automated individual decision-making: You can ask to review any decisions made about you which were made solely based on automated processing, including machine learning, profiling, that produced legal effects concerning you or which significantly affected you.
f) Processing restrictions: You can ask to temporarily restrict our processing of your personal data if you contest the accuracy of your personal data, prefer to restrict its use rather than having us erase it.
g) Right to object to marketing, including profiling: You can object to the use of your data for marketing purposes, including profiling. We may need to keep some minimal information to comply with your request to cease marketing to you.
h) Right to withdraw consent: You can withdraw consent that you have previously given to the processing of your personal data. This will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before you withdraw your consent. It may mean we are not able to provide certain products or services to you, and we will advise you if this is the case.

We aim to respond within 30 days from the date we receive privacy-related communications. If your request is unfounded or excessive, we might deny your request or demand a fee. Depending on the circumstances, we may be unable to follow your request based on other lawful grounds.

8) Cookies & Analytics
The website uses cookies, web beacons and other technologies to automatically collect certain types of information when you visit. Tracking is only enabled once the data privacy policy has been accepted and you have provided your consent. The collection of this information allows customising your online experience, improve the performance, usability and effectiveness of online services, and to measure the effectiveness of the website.
Guidance on cookie control: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxMacOS SafariMicrosoft Internet Explorer
Opting-out: Although most browsers automatically accept cookies, you can choose whether or not to accept cookies via your browser's settings. You may also delete cookies from your device at any time. Please note that removing or blocking cookies can affect your user experience, and some functionality may no longer be available.

9) Personal data confidentiality and security
Please refer to the section Legal Notice to find out more on how personal data security and confidentiality is ensured.

10) Retaining personal data
Lawfully, personal data is retained for so long as required based on the purposes for which it was collected and the regulatory requirement. We will dispose of personal data when we no longer need it or the legal retention period has expired.

11) Automated decision-making and profiling
Currently, no automated processing, including machine learning, profiling or other machine intelligence is in use to provide its services. For more information, refer to section 22 of EU-GDPR.

12) Policy updates
This privacy policy is regularly reviewed and updated according to changes in products, services or legal requirements. The most current version will always be available on our website.
This privacy policy was last updated on 17 March 2021.

13) Contact information
To get in touch or place an official request, please use the contact form available on the website.
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